A senior correspondent with nearly 25 years’ experience covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict including several wars and the signing of the first historic peace accord between the two sides.
A senior correspondent with nearly 25 years’ experience covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict including several wars and the signing of the first historic peace accord between the two sides.
サウジアラビア出身のテロリストであるウサーマ・ビン・ラーディンは、イスラム原理主義を掲げる国際テロ組織のアルカイダの設立者や、アメリカ同時多発テロ事件(9.11)など数多くのテロ事件の首謀者として知られる人物です。イスラエルとハマスの軍事衝突に関連し、ビン・ラーディンが9.11などのテロを正当化するために作成したとされる「Letter to America(アメリカへの手紙)」という書簡の感想動画がTikTokに多数投稿されており、TikTokが対応に追われていることが報じられました。
Over the past 24 hours, thousands of TikToks (at least) have been posted where people share how they just read Bin Laden’s infamous "Letter to America," in which he explained why he attacked the United States.
Content promoting this letter clearly violates our rules on supporting any form of terrorism. We are proactively and aggressively removing this content and investigating how it got onto our platform. The number of videos on TikTok is small and reports of it trending on our… https://t.co/n9Zo7l94r2