As Moscow bureau chief, Guy runs coverage of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Before Moscow, Guy ran Brexit coverage as London bureau chief (2012-2022). On the night of Brexit, his team delivered one of Reuters historic wins - reporting news of Brexit first to the world and the financial markets. Guy graduated from the London School of Economics and started his career as an intern at Bloomberg. He has spent over 14 years covering the former Soviet Union. He speaks fluent Russian.
A senior correspondent with nearly 25 years’ experience covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict including several wars and the signing of the first historic peace accord between the two sides.
会場は、リバタリアン党員らとトランプ氏支持者らが入り乱れて座り、トランプ氏が現れると、ブーイングと大歓声がぶつかる騒然とした雰囲気に包まれた。演説中は、トランプ氏の支持者が「We want Trump(トランプ氏が大統領になるのを求めている)」と連呼すると、リバタリアン党員らが連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)を廃止すべきだという意味の「End the Fed(FRBをなくせ)」と、声を合わせて遮るという応酬が繰り返された。
Francesco leads a team of reporters in Vietnam that covers top financial and political news in the fast-growing southeast Asian country with a focus on supply chains and manufacturing investments in several sectors, including electronics, semiconductors, automotive and renewables. Before Hanoi, Francesco worked in Brussels on EU affairs. He was also part of Reuters core global team that covered the COVID-19 pandemic and participated in investigations into money laundering and corruption in Europe. He is an eager traveler, always keen to put on a backpack to explore new places.